DIY Postcard Art Project

I wouldn’t say that I’m particularly crafty. I don’t craft for the sake of crafting. But if I have a need or want something specific I will try to make it myself if I can.

I found these prints months ago online. I really wanted them but I couldn’t afford them and I didn’t really have a place to put them. We turned our library into a nursery and there wouldn’t really be another place in the house they could go.
I love these art deco posters and they come in a variety of sizes including postcard size. I’ve collected postcards since I was a kid. So I didn’t mind ordering them as postcards even if I didn’t have a way to display them; especially since the postcards were not expensive.

He also has a website. I really love his art and his style. 

About a month ago I started a new job; with my new job came a new office to decorate. So I found a use for my pretty postcards. I decided to find a way to display them in my new office. I just finished the project today. I think they turned out great.
There are all sorts of beautiful postcards out there that could be easily displayed this way.

Postcard Art


8 Postcards
8 5x7 canvases
Scrapbook paper
Sponge brush
Photograph Corners
Cutting mat
Exacto Knife

I pulled out a sheet of scrapbook paper and put the canvas on top. I cut the ends so the sides would lay down correctly and then secured the edges with Modpodge. 
I sat the covered canvases aside and let them dry. I could have Modpodged the postcards directly onto the covered canvases but I didn't want to damage them.
So, instead I affixed the postcards with the photograph corners. It tool a little doing to get them straight but luckily the corner are not so sticky that the paper will rip if you make a mistake and have to pull them back up. 

Postcard Art
This is a wonderful way to display small pieces of art inexpensively and to dress up my office. I'm so glad Steve Thomas offered these in postcard size. These will look wonderful in my office tomorrow when I hang them! 
Somewhat Simple


  1. Great job! I want to reblog this later this week - You pick the day. I wonder if they make Veronica Lodge postcards?

  2. What a great idea! they look awesome .... following you now -> from Homemaker on a Dime linky party


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